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Sunday 20 November 2011

Shopping online can take six times LONGER than a visit to the high street

It is heralded as the way to enjoy quick and stress-free shopping. But buying clothes online could actually take six times longer than a visit to the high street, according to research.
The supposed ease of online shopping has seen it become one of the fastest growing sectors in the market place, accounting for about 15 per cent of all purchases.
But a study, by fashion event Clothes Show Live, found that on average it takes women 22 hours to find one purchase online, compared to 3.6 hours when they wander around the shops.

Show producer Maryam Hamizadeh said: ‘Shopping online may seem like a quick and easy option, but our research shows that it is nowhere near as enjoyable as a visit to the shops, and in fact takes nearly six times as long to find an item of clothing.’
More than 3,000 people were questioned for the study, which was released alongside Keep Shopping Live – a campaign to encourage support for declining high street stores. 
It also found that eight out of ten women preferred a trawl around the shops, whereas the same number of men preferred to do their shopping online.
Furthermore, around half of women said the most enjoyable way for them to spend their free time was to go shopping, whereas men with time on their hands preferred to spend it in the pub.
Miss Hamizadeh added: ‘Shopping is best enjoyed, not from the comfort of a sofa or desk, but when out there in the real world in a shop or store. We’re dedicated to supporting “offline” shopping in order to stop the decline of the high street.

Let’s support local businesses by keeping shopping live.’
The survey found that, on average, women spend 22 hours shopping online each month and 18 hours in real stores. They buy around five items of clothing each month, with only one of these online.

More than 37million Britons shop online each year and recent figures from e-retail body IMRG found that spending on fashion websites rose by 21 per cent in October compared to the previous year.

Meanwhile, internet shopping giant eBay is opening an experimental ‘bricks and mortar’ store in London for five days.
However, it will not have any tills and only a limited selection of products, none of which shoppers can take away with them.

Instead, 200 of the bestselling items will  be on display for customers to inspect  and buy online.

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