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Friday 23 September 2011

rise of the food store

In the UK, Seth and Randell, The Grocers, The Rise and Rise of the Supermarket chains, 1999, predicted the cycle with clarity, firstly with the advent of multiple shopping, then the rise of the supermarkets. They illustrate a combination of multiples, and food retailing have been accountable for a large part of the retail decline to date,however, it can be translated that it is more of a shift in shopping habits than a decline. Much of the latter research, indicates that consumer spend does increase year by year

Bearing in mind the date the book was written,1999,it does provide a stark warning to the reader about what the future holds, not only for the retailer, but for society as a whole and the social and economic repercussions. An interesting analogy in the book, (P.4) describes how the online shopping experience will effect our everyday lives, and not only describes general retail, but also in the context of food retail.

It does fall short of predicting the death of the high street. The book is generally concerned with the impact of the food retailers and the growth of the main four, who at the time are slightly different to the main players today, Tesco, Sainsbury’s Asda and Morrison’s.

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